Intro to the blog

Published at 2024-01-01


Table of Contents


As 2023 was coming to an end, this thought kept creeping into my mind. During the last couple of years, I have had a lot of ideas I wanted to realise, but haven’t for some weird reason. It was either because of a lack of time or because my mind was always all over the place. That’s why I want to try to systematize my work processes by documenting my thoughts. My writing skills also need to be brushed up, truth be told.

This blog’s function

With all that in mind, I created this portfolio and blog site. It won’t be perfect—far from it, so I’ll be glad if someone finds what I’ve written helpful or interesting. Not everything I think of will be publicised here, and thus I feel like new posts won’t be regular, but we’ll see.

How will it all work?

Posts will probably consist of one-offs and devlog-like series related to a wide range of topics. If I think something’s interesting enough, I will probably write about it. The posts themselves will be updated accordingly if I make a mistake or find out something new about the topic I’ve written about. The RSS feed will always be available if someone wants to go down the rabbit hole of randomness with me. :)

Happy New Year’s!

Matija Kljajić © 2024